Yes, you can purchase Irresistible Insider mini-courses without joining the program for $9 each. After the purchase, you are given access to the mini-course you paid for.
However, you cannot get access to the forum without joining the program. We have to limit access to this forum because relationship coaches are actively working in there to help people.
So what is the best deal?
When you join the Irresistible Insiders program you gain instant access to all our Insiders mini-courses (130).
Since these mini-courses normally cost $9, this is over $1170 in value.
You also get access to a forum with skilled relationship coaches. Normal one-on-one training can cost over $400 / hour, but because of the online group setting the forum is much more affordable at only $37.00 per month.
Because of these great values, the Irresistible Insiders program is our best deal.