Directions on how to download the PDF to your Apple device:

Step 1: Visit our website and login.  You can log into your account by visiting this webpage:


Your username is your email address that you used when you ordered. If you used PayPal to order, it may be the email address linked to that account.

You should have received a password via email when you ordered. The subject of that email is: Login Information for Be Irresistible

Step 2: After logging in, click on the Your Products link on the site menu.  

If you are on a mobile phone, it will look like this:

Step 3: Locate your product on the product library page (Your Products). In this example, we will use His Secret Obsession. 

Then click on the green "Download PDF" button. 

Step 4: You should get a screen like the one below. You will need to click on "Open In" to save the PDF file to your phone.

TIP:   If you can't find "Open In," you will need to tap your screen for it to show again.

Step 5: It will then ask you to choose where you want to save the file. In this case, we will save it in iBooks. Once it is downloaded you can access it there.