Instructions on how to download your PDF to your Android device:

Step 1: Visit our website and login.  You can log into your account by visiting this webpage:


Use your username which is your email address. If you paid with PayPal it might be the email address associated with your PayPal account. The password was emailed to you when you ordered. The subject of that email is: Login Information for Be Irresistible 

Step 2: After logging in, click on the Your Products link on the site menu.   

Step 3: Locate your product on the product library page (Your Products). In this example, we will use His Secret Obsession. 

Then click on the green "Download PDF" button. 


Step 4: After clicking on "Download PDF" the file will automatically download on your device.

1) You will know it is downloading because it will show a downloading sign below/above the screen depending on the type of device you are using.

2) After downloading, you will find the PDF file under "Downloads."